Make a Payment

​​Analytical Services Tasmania offers the following payment options:

  • In person at any Service Tasmania
  • By phone 1300 729 859
  • Internet Payment with credit card 
  • By BPay: Biller Code: 879239 – Reference number on invoice
  • By EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer
    Bank details: Westpac BSB: 037-001 Account No: 268083
    Account Name: DPIW Clearing Account  
    Reference field:  Enter customer number, followed by a space, then the invoice number
  • Send e-mail remittance advice to or fax to (03) 6173 0228    
  • By credit card in person at AST or via phone (03) 6165 3300        

Invoices for completed work are sent out after the results are reported.

Work cannot be added to a completed report.  

If additional analysis is required contact the laboratory. 

Invoices are strictly 30 days.

All submissions received at the laboratory incur an administrative fee.​

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