Whether you already know what your analysis requirements are, or if you are unsure of requirements, we recommend you contact AST prior to sampling.
We can discuss your requirements, and offer guidance on analysis.
Containers and Bottles
It is recommended to use AST containers and bottles for your samples. Our containers and bottles are prepared and assessed for appropriateness for each test according to our NATA accredited Quality System. They are provided free of charge.
Once you know how many samples you want to take, and what tests you require, sample bottles can be sent out to you, or can be collected from the laboratory.
This handy Sampling and Bottle Types information sheet is included in each bottle kit.
Sampling and Bottle Types (616Kb)
We recommend that you contact the laboratory before undertaking any sampling programs. Our staff can provide advice on minimum sample volumes, sample preservation, and sampling-to-testing hold times.
Sample Submissions
Samples can be delivered in person to the laboratory prior to 4pm Monday to Thursday, or prior to 3pm on Fridays. This allows samples to be processed, preserved and stored appropriately. They can also be sent by post or courier with our reply paid services.
Samples should be kept cool and out of direct sunlight. It is best to send samples back to the lab on the same day the samples are taken, if possible.
Some bottles contain preservatives for specific tests. Please don’t rinse or overfill these bottles.
All samples need to be accompanied by a submission form listing all relevant contact and sample details. This is a requirement of our NATA accreditation.
A guided document to assist in making a submission is available for download.
How to complete an AST submission form (1Mb)
Notification of Sample Receipt and Analysis Requests
After samples are received a pdf Sample Receipt Notification (SRN) with a unique submission number is emailed to your nominated report recipients.
The SRN lists all details of the submission including:
- Submission number, a unique ID for that submission;
- Invoicing and reporting details;
- Estimated cost;
- Estimated reporting date;
- Details of all samples submitted; and
- The analysis requested.
AST recommends that the SRN is checked carefully to ensure that all details are correct. Please contact AST if changes are required, preferably before too much analysis is commenced.
Once the SRN has been sent out, AST will commence work on the samples.
Further information is available at Frequently Asked Questions
Reporting and Payment
Once all tests are complete and results have been checked, a report will be issued as an emailed pdf file to all specified report recipients. AST can also provide an electronic export of data. Various file types are available to meet data management requirements including .txt, .csv, times studio, and ESDAT. Please contact us for further export file options or see the Regular Analysis Projects page for further details.
An invoice will be issued once the result report has been sent. Payment is not required until you have received the invoice.
Payment falls due 30 days after the issue date found on the invoice. Please see our Payment options for further details.